Prometheus Istio Server restarting or in crashback loop

NOTE: Prometheus and Grafana are deprecated and are planned to be removed. If you want to install a custom stack, take a look at Install a custom kube-prometheus-stack in Kyma.


Prometheus Istio Server is restarting or in a crashback loop.


Prometheus Istio Server scrapes metrics from all envoy side cars, which may lead to OOM issues.

For example, this can happen when a high number of workloads perform a lot of communication to other workloads, or when workloads are created and deleted dynamically.

In such cases, the cardinality of the Istio metrics may increase too much and cause the container to be killed because of OOM (Istio telemetry V2 currently doesn't support the concept of metric expiry).

There can be other causes for the Prometheus Istio Server to restart or crash, but the following istructions focus on fixing the OOM issue.


To prevent the OOM issue, you can increase the memory limit. Additionally, you can choose to decrease the volume of data by dropping additional labels.

CAUTION: Dropping additional labels with prometheus-istio.envoyStats.labeldropRegex has the side effect that graphs in Kiali don't work.

For both solutions, you can choose to change your Kyma cluster settings or directly update the Istio Prometheus resources.

Change the Kyma settings

  1. To increase the memory limit, create a values YAML file with the following content:

    Click to copy
    memory: "6Gi"

    TIP: You should be fine with increasing the limit to 6Gi. However, if your resources are scarce, try increasing the value gradually in steps of 1Gi.

  2. Deploy the values YAML file with the following command:

    Click to copy
    kyma deploy --values-file {VALUES_FILE_PATH}
  3. If the problem persists, drop additional labels for the Istio metrics with the following values YAML file:

    Click to copy
    labeldropRegex: "^(grpc_response_status|source_version|source_principal|source_app|response_flags|request_protocol|destination_version|destination_principal|destination_app|destination_canonical_service|destination_canonical_revision|source_canonical_revision|source_canonical_service)$"
  4. Change the settings with the following command:

    Click to copy
    kyma deploy --values-file {VALUES_FILE_PATH}

Change the Istio Prometheus configuration

  1. To increase the memory for prometheus-istio-server, run the following command:

    Click to copy
    kubectl edit deployment -n kyma monitoring-prometheus-istio-server
  2. In your deployment resource, set the following limits for memory:

    Click to copy
    cpu: 600m
    memory: 6000Mi
    cpu: 40m
    memory: 200Mi

    TIP: You should be fine with increasing the limit to 6Gi. However, if your resources are scarce, try increasing the value gradually in steps of 1Gi.

  3. If the problem persists, drop additional labels for the Istio metrics by editing prometheus-istio server:

    Click to copy
    kubectl edit configmap -n kyma-system monitoring-prometheus-istio-server
  4. Modify the following values:

    Click to copy
    - separator: ;
    regex: ^(grpc_response_status|source_version|destination_version|source_app|destination_app)$
    replacement: $1
    action: labeldrop
  5. Change regex in the following way:

    Click to copy
    regex: ^(grpc_response_status|source_version|source_principal|source_app|response_flags|request_protocol|destination_version|destination_principal|destination_app|destination_canonical_service|destination_canonical_revision|source_canonical_revision|source_canonical_service)$
  6. Save the ConfigMap and restart prometheus-istio-server for the changes to take effect:

    Click to copy
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n kyma-system monitoring-prometheus-istio-server